News Center

Lily Group Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise, with the only national-level technology center in China's organic pigment industry and a national post-doctoral workstation.

Founding time
China's first organic pigment industry
Warmly Celebrate the LilyGroup's Aosaisi Project Successfully Started at Yingcheng City
Warmly Celebratethe LilyGroup's Aosaisi Project Successfully Started at Yingcheng CityJune 18, 2022,the …
Lily group welcomes you | the brand exhibition hall is now open
The brand exhibition hall of Lily group has been completed recently. The exhibition hall has simple design and rich c…
CHINAPLAS 2021 International Rubber & Plastic Exhibition | Lily Group welcomes you at 16E21
On April 13th, "CHINAPLAS 2021 International Rubber & Plastic Exhibition" was grandly opene…
Lily Group's annual output of 3000 tons of high performance organic pigment raised and invested project was successfully put into operation
On December 27, 2020, with the joint efforts of the core project team with Wang Feng, vice president of the company,…
The 25th China International Coatings Exhibition, welcome to Lily Group
On December 8, 2020, the 25th China International Coatings (China Coat 2020) and Surface Treatment Exhibition …
The testing center of Lily Group Co., Ltd. has passed the CNAs certification
On November 25, 2020, the company’s testing center received great news. The testing center of Lily Group Co., Lt…
Chen Lirong, chairman of the board, delivered a keynote speech at the Cross Strait International Annual Meeting of organic pigment industry
Under the special background of the post epidemic period, in order to promote technical exchange, information comm…
Lily Group Co., Ltd. successfully listed
In December 20, 2016, Lily Group Limited by Share Ltd successfully landed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.…